Advantages of being a graphic designer

Danny Ugochi
4 min readFeb 15, 2022
I’m on Instagram as @computer_w1zzy

1. Graphic designers make decent money
One advantage of being a graphic designer is that you can make decent money from what you are doing.

While most graphic designers will not get rich, most of them still make enough money to cover their basic expenses and to afford some nice things from time to time.

In fact, graphic designers make a little bit more than the average person and it is therefore not the worst choice for sure when it comes solely to financial considerations.

If you work really hard, you may even be able to earn a six-figure income and make more than most other people make from their jobs.

2. You can work from home as a graphic designer
As a graphic designer, you also don’t have to work under unfavorable condition outdoors.

While some people like construction workers, roofers or service technicians often have to work outdoors during rain or even snow, you will be able to enjoy a rather cozy work environment as a graphic designer and can even enjoy a nice tea or coffee.

You can also use the modern technologies and also make use of air conditioning and heating to make your life at work as convenient as possible.

3. Graphic designers can be creative at work
Another benefit of working as a graphic designer is that you can be really creative at work. In fact, you need to be creative for succeeding in this field in the long run.

Every client and every project will be different and while this can be really challenging and mentally demanding, it still gives you the opportunity to develop your skills further every day and chances are that you will never get bored with what you are doing and can really enjoy your time at work.

You can work for many different companies
You will also have the privilege to be able to work for many different companies as a graphic designer.

Due to our digitalized world, graphic designers are needed in several different industries and you will be free to choose in what niche you want to specialize.

Hence, this will also make it rather easy for you to quit your job and to work for someone else in case you are no longer satisfied with the working conditions.

In turn, you will have options and having options is crucial for a happy life since only if you have options, you will have the freedom to do what you want and you will also have peace of mind regarding your overall prospects in life.

4. Graphic designers can work self-employed
Another huge upside to becoming a graphic designer is that you will also be able to work self-employed.

Many graphic designers work on their own or even have their own graphic design businesses.

Sure, this is not for everyone since having your own business also implies serious challenges and you will likely work much more than a regular employee.

However, if you want to be free to structure your day and to do what you want every minute of your workday, chances are that a career as a self-employed graphic designer will be much better suitable for you compared to just working as a normal employee.

It is also pretty easy to start your own business in this field since you will barely have any upfront costs and if you are willing to work really hard and also have a certain talent for graphic design, you can make money quickly as a graphic designer.

5. You can stay up-to-date with latest technologies.
As a graphic designer, you will also always have to stay up-to-date with latest technologies.

In fact, if you don’t always learn, you will likely become obsolete soon and will also lose many clients in the process.

While this can become a serious issue and it is quite challenging to always adapt to new conditions, you will still be able to learn a lot and this can not only help you for your professional, but also for your private life since you will be able to leverage this knowledge when it comes to helping out your friends and so on.

This is to be continued, as I’m not done with it. Just be on the lookout.

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